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GH  |  SKU: GH0485

Celeriac 'Caesar'


Syn. Turnip-rooted celery. Celeriac is a close relative of celery but is grown for its large, fleshy root rather than stems. The flavour is milder than celery; it is used in soup or salads. It is a heavy feeder; prepare the soil 2-3 weeks before planting with compost, potash and well-rotted manure.

Product: Celeriac 'Caesar'

Product type: SEED ()

Botanical name: Apium graveolens rapaceum

Syn. Turnip-rooted celery. Celeriac is a close relative of celery but is grown for its large, fleshy root rather than stems. The flavour is milder than celery; it is used in soup or salads. It is a heavy feeder; prepare the soil 2-3 weeks before planting with compost, potash and well-rotted manure.

Plant type: Cool season annual

Plant height: 30 cm

Sow when: Germinate best at 21°C soil temp.

Temperate: September - December

Subtropical: March - April; August - September

Tropical: Unlikely to produce well

Germination: 14 - 21 days; soak seed overnight

Depth: 3 mm deep; just firm down & keep very moist

Position: Full sun

Sow where: Sow into seed tray, prick out into small pots; tend carefully & liquid feed for 10 - 12 weeks before transplanting

Soil type: Rich, moist, well-drained; pH 5.5 - 6.5

Rows: 45 - 60 cm

Details: Mulch well; keep well watered, avoid moisture stress; remove side-shoots

Harvest: 110 days; begin harvest at 10 cm diameter

seeds per packet

Apium graveolens rapaceum

Cool season annual


Celeriac 'Caesar'


Syn. Turnip-rooted celery. Celeriac is a close relative of celery but is grown for its large, fleshy root rather than stems. The flavour is milder than celery; it is used in soup or salads. It is a heavy feeder; prepare the soil 2-3 weeks before planting with compost, potash and well-rotted manure.

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