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GH  |  SKU: GH0565

Peanut 'Virginia Bunch'


Peanut 'Virginia Bunch' is a productive variety with good disease resistance and very large kernels. Peanuts can be grown from southern NSW to northern Australia in areas with 5 months of warm frost-free weather. Peanuts set seed by bending over the flower stalk and pushing it into the soil where the peanuts form. As a low growing legume with yellow pea flowers it makes an ideal 'living mulch' between rows of taller vegetables such as sweet corn.

Product: Peanut 'Virginia Bunch'

Product type: SEED ()

Botanical name: Arachis hypogaea

Peanut 'Virginia Bunch' is a productive variety with good disease resistance and very large kernels. Peanuts can be grown from southern NSW to northern Australia in areas with 5 months of warm frost-free weather. Peanuts set seed by bending over the flower stalk and pushing it into the soil where the peanuts form. As a low growing legume with yellow pea flowers it makes an ideal 'living mulch' between rows of taller vegetables such as sweet corn.

Plant type: Warm season, low growing annual

Sow when: Germinate best between 22 - 30°C

Temperate: September - October

Subtropical: September - December

Tropical: Sow during the dry season

Germination: 7 - 14 days

Depth: 3 - 5 cm deep; handle gently, seeds are fragile

Position: Full sun

Sow where: Sow directly where it is to grow

Soil type: Well-drained loam, pH 5 – 8

Details: Avoid moisture stress as this can cause toxic aflatoxins to infect the crop

Harvest: 155 days; harvest peanuts once the leaves start to yellow; roast in the shell at 180°C for 20 - 25 minutes

seeds per packet

Arachis hypogaea

Warm season, low growing annual


Peanut 'Virginia Bunch'


Peanut 'Virginia Bunch' is a productive variety with good disease resistance and very large kernels. Peanuts can be grown from southern NSW to northern Australia in areas with 5 months of warm frost-free weather. Peanuts set seed by bending over the flower stalk and pushing it into the soil where the peanuts form. As a low growing legume with yellow pea flowers it makes an ideal 'living mulch' between rows of taller vegetables such as sweet corn.

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