Safe way to spray
Wait for settled weather with little wind and no rain. Dress yourself well, wear long sleeves and rubber gloves, follow packet direction carefully. If you suffer from allergies, wear a...
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Wait for settled weather with little wind and no rain. Dress yourself well, wear long sleeves and rubber gloves, follow packet direction carefully. If you suffer from allergies, wear a...
Read moreYou may find it very difficult choosing pest control products in a nursery or supermarket, as highly toxic products are on the same shelf as relatively harmless ones. We often...
Read moreThe Basics The adults are small white moth-like flies, 1 mm in length. Eggs are laid on the undersides of leaves and hatch in 8 days. Both newly hatched 'crawlers'...
Read moreWeed Control Much as we may hate them, weeds have an ecological role to play in reclaiming degraded soils and re-establishing damaged soil structure. Weeds are always present but only...
Read moreTick Control Ticks are blood-sucking insects that can carry life threatening disease to humans as well as animals. These include Queensland tick typhus and Spotted fever. The bite alone can...
Read moreThrip Control Thrips are small sap-sucking insects, usually 1-2 mm long with long, narrow bodies, they are just visible to the naked eye. They generally feed on either leaves or...
Read moreThree-Lined Potato Beetle Control Lema daturaphila syn. Lema trivittataSyn. Three-lined Lema Beetle This leaf-eating beetle pest and its offspring are a menace to plants in the Solanaceae family such as...
Read moreSpined Citrus Bug Control The adult spined citrus bug has projecting horns on either side of its head, the young change colour from yellow through orange and finally to green....
Read moreThe Basics The two-spotted mite or spider mite Tetranychus urticae is a tiny creature (about the size of a full stop) that damages plants by feeding on the chlorophyll in...
Read moreThe Basics If overnight newly planted seedlings are disappearing and there are large holes in your plants, the culprits are probably snails or slugs. Usually a close look at the...
Read moreSilverfish Control Silverfish are starch feeders and can seriously damage paper and fabrics. Older, hardback books are greatly at risk due to the glues used in their construction. Silverfish prefer...
Read moreThe Basics Scales are small sucking insects closely related to aphids, mealy bugs and whitefly. They tend to have small, round shells and are often found along the veins of...
Read morePests of Stored Food Control These include grain moths, flour moths, meal moths, almond moths, raisin moths, beetles and weevils. For problems with ants or cockroaches check for information under...
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