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Sweetpeas - Green Harvest


(5 products)

More about Sweetpeas

Lathyrus odoratus
Sweetpeas are a beautiful, annual, fragrant flower for the cooler times of the year. It is suitable for temperate and subtropical areas. There are both dwarf and climbing types. Usually the climbing types are less prone to mildew and flower over a longer period. Generally if it is the right time to plant peas then same goes for sweetpeas. Sow seed in early Spring in cool temperate areas. In warm temperate and subtropical areas sow Autumn to early Winter. The best germination soil temperature is between 10 - 21°C. Germination will take 6 - 14 days. Seed should be soaked in water 12 - 24 hours before sowing. Sow the seed 2 - 2.5 cm deep direct into a garden bed. Space seeds 8 cm apart along the row. Very lightly mulch seed rows to prevent soil crusting. Choose a position in full sun, sheltered from strong winds. The soil should be rich, fertile, well drained, with a pH of 6.5 - 7. Lime it if necessary several weeks before sowing. Improve the soil before planting by adding compost. Once in flower remove the spent flowers and young pods to prolong flowering. Pick early in the morning to use as a delightful cut flower.