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Rhubarb - Green Harvest


(1 products)

More about Rhubarb

Rheum rhabarbarum
Originally grown as a medicinal plant, rhubarb is now used mainly for desserts. Prepare a bed in a sunny well-drained position by digging well-rotted compost or animal manure through the bed as rhubarb is a 'hungry' feeder. Sow seed in spring, 2.5 cm deep directly where it is to grow or sow in trays, covering lightly with seed-raising mix. Space plants at 90 x 90 cm. Water well in dry weather. Apply a mulch of well-rotted manure in autumn and spring. Plants should be divided after 4-5 years.
Rhubarb is a cool climate perennial and the best colour stalks occur with a temperature of about 10°C. It will grow as far north as the subtropics but the colour will not be as good. It is best to give it partial shade over the summer in subtropical areas. It is not suitable for tropical areas as it requires a cold period to be productive. Find more information on growing rhubarb here.

Are tropical gardeners still keen to try?
In Florida USA gardeners have been successfully growing rhubarb as an annual so if you live in a subtropical or tropical area you might like to give this a go. Sow the seed in late summer, or early autumn (January - February) and grow it through the cooler time of year. Feed it very well and keep it well-watered. Harvest the plants entirely in August to October.
Here's a link to a blog on Growing rhubarb from seed.