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Endive - Green Harvest

Endive and Escarole

(3 products)

More about Endive and Escarole

Cichorium spp.
Endive and Escarole are long appreciated European delicacies, close relatives to chicory and grow in much the same way. They are useful cool season crops to add interest to winter salads. Endive and Escarole are hardy, disease-resistant and frost and drought tolerant. Suitable for temperate, subtropical and tropical areas if sown in the right season. Best germination temperature is between 10 - 21°C. Sow early spring in cool areas; late summer to autumn in other areas. Sow directly where they are to grow 10 mm deep. Thin seedlings to 25 - 30 cm apart, rows should be 38 - 40 cm apart. Keep soil moist; add organic fertiliser when plants are half grown. A pH of 5.5 to 6.5 is preferred; prepare soil by digging well-rotted compost or animal manure through the bed. Plant in full sun.