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GH  |  SKU: GH0057

Bean Climbing 'Madagascar'


A vigorous, climbing, tropical lima bean, it lives for many years and is excellent at coping with wet, humid conditions. It can be used as a tropical alternative to broad beans or as a dried bean. The dried beans cook quickly and make tasty vegetarian burgers! Suitable for warm temperate, subtropical and tropical areas. Madagascar Bean growing information.

Product: Bean Climbing 'Madagascar'

Product type: SEED (10)

Botanical name: Phaseolus lunatus

Syn.: Syn. Lima del Papa Runner, Christmas Lima, syn. P. limensis

An ancient vegetable grown in Peru for over 8000 years. Madagascar bean is a vigorous, climbing, tropical lima bean. It is excellent at coping with wet, humid conditions. There is usually little pod production in the 1st year but it is very prolific after that. The seeds are an attractive white with burgundy speckles. The shelled beans can be used fresh or dried in soups and stews. If harvested young, while the seeds are still white, it is a good tropical substitute for broad beans.

Plant type: Short-lived perennial, live 3 - 4 years

Plant height: Grow to 3 - 4m; require a strong trellis

Sow when: Wait for warm, humid weather; soil temperature of at least 25°C is needed

Temperate: November - December

Subtropical: October - January

Germination: 7 - 10 days

Depth: 2 - 4 cm deep

Position: Full sun

Sow where: direct into garden bed

Soil type: Wide range of soils; requires moisture; tolerates acidity

Rows: 1m apart

Details: Soak seeds in hot water for up to an hour until seeds swell to improve germination

Harvest: 60 days (fresh), 115 days (dried); pick daily, early in the morning

Suitable for hot and humid: Suitable for hot and humid growing conditions

10 seeds per packet

Phaseolus lunatus

Syn. Lima del Papa Runner, Christmas Lima, syn. P. limensis

Short-lived perennial, live 3 - 4 years


Bean Climbing 'Madagascar'


A vigorous, climbing, tropical lima bean, it lives for many years and is excellent at coping with wet, humid conditions. It can be used as a tropical alternative to broad beans or as a dried bean. The dried beans cook quickly and make tasty vegetarian burgers! Suitable for warm temperate, subtropical and tropical areas. Madagascar Bean growing information.

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