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Artichoke - Green Harvest


(2 products)

More about Artichoke

Cynara scolymus
Globe artichoke is an herbaceous perennial to 1.5 m high, suitable for temperate, Mediterranean climates. The edible flower buds are a delicacy, pick them before they start to open. The striking grey-green foliage and spectacular flowers add beauty to the garden. Globe artichoke has a restricted climatic range and prefers cool, moist summers and mild winters. Chilling is needed to produce buds. A deep, rich, well-drained, alkaline soil is required; artichokes will grow in a pH range of 6.5 - 7.5. Compost and manures are beneficial. Sow spring in temperate areas. Globe artichoke needs to be dug and divided every 3-4 years.

Unsuitable for tropical and Subtropical areas
Growing in humid, subtropical and tropical areas is very difficult. Unfortunately even if the plants grow well, insufficient chilling will make bud production unlikely or of very poor quality. High temperatures in spring will also cause the flower buds to open prematurely. Plants will be short-lived, often collapsing during periods of heavy rain. If artichokes are on your 'most desired' list then try the 'Imperial Star' variety as they begin cropping early. Enthusiasts in warmer areas dig the roots and put them in the fridge during the summer for planting in the autumn. Excellent drainage is required and raised beds will help.