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Chilli - Green Harvest


(31 products)

More about Chilli

Capsicum spp.
Chillies are warm season, frost tender annuals to 60 - 80 cm tall. Seeds germinate best at 23 - 30°C soil temperature. Sowing at too low a temperature will cause delayed or failed germination.
In Temperate Areas: sow in early spring - either inside with extra heat by using a bottom heat propagator; behind a sunny window or on top of a hot water system; if sowing outside wait until all frost danger has passed.
In Subtropical Areas: sow March - October in frost-free areas; wait for spring in areas that receive frost
In Tropical Areas: all year but avoid January - February
Soil Type: fertile, well drained, garden loam with a pH of 5 - 6.0; prepare the soil by adding compost. Give moderate fertiliser and water throughout the growing season; avoid high nitrogen fertilisers as these will promote leaf growth at the expense of fruit.
Germination period: 7 - 14 days (longer if the soil is cool); liquid feed the seedlings once germinated.
Planting depth: 6 mm deep
Position: full sun
Sow Where: into seedling pots to reduce transplant shock; transplant when the soil is warm.
Plant Spacing: 45 cm between plants
Harvest: 10 weeks

Scoville Scale
The Scoville scale is a measure of the 'hotness' of a chilli pepper or anything made from chilli peppers, i.e. Tabasco sauce (2,500 - 5,000 Scoville). The scale is named after Wilbur Scoville who developed the test in 1912.