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Cauliflower - Green Harvest


(3 products)

More about Cauliflower

Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
Cauliflower is an annual cool season crop that is frost hardy. It germinates best at 18 - 25°C soil temperature. In temperate areas sow late December to May; in very cool, highland areas sow October to February; in inland areas sow February to September; in subtropical areas sow March to June; in tropical areas sow April to July. It can be difficult to grow cauliflowers well in subtropical and tropical areas as they are not as hardy as cabbage in hot weather and quality can be poor. Hot weather results in bolting to seed before developing curds and can also cause browning or discolouring of the curd. It only takes a few days of hot weather to cause this effect. Hybrid varieties are a better choice than open-pollinated types for these hotter areas. It is also important to plant early enough in hotter areas so the plants mature well before the weather warms up in spring. Sow seed 10 mm deep in trays or seedbed, germination takes 4 - 10 days. Transplant seedlings by first removing the seed leaves and planting deeper, up to the 1st set of true leaves. Space plants 40 cm apart in rows 60 - 75 cm apart. It requires a fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6 - 7.5. It is a heavy feeder, needing plenty of nitrogen and potassium. Prepare the soil by digging well-rotted compost or animal manure through the bed. Keep soil moist; add organic fertiliser when plants are half-grown. Harvest while heads are still tight and white.