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Anthracnose Organic Control Information

Anthracnose Control

Anthracnose is a fungal disease which is prevalent in cool, humid weather. Spread by gardeners, tools, seed and rain. It affects:

  • Roses
  • Fruit trees including avocado, mango, macadamia
  • A wide range of vegetables including bean, watermelon, rockmelon, tomato, cucumber and lettuce

In roses it can be confused with Black spot; begins as a black mark with well-defined margins but the centre turns grey and falls out, leaving a black edge. In fruits, circular, sunken spots or craters are formed.

Suggested Organic Strategies

  • Select resistant varieties
  • Avoid overhead irrigation and improve air circulation
  • Crop rotation
  • Remove and destroy infected plants
  • Use disease-free seed
  • On trees, prune all dead wood and twigs and burn prunings (where possible)

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