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Mosquito Organic Control Information

Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes are easily one of the most serious insect pests we need to deal with due to the dangerous diseases (Australian encephalitis, Ross River fever, Dengue fever, Barmah Forest virus), they are able to infect us with. They are also a considerable annoyance and cause skin irritation.

Suggested Organic Strategies

  • Keep the flyscreens on the house in good repair.
  • Do a regular check for standing water after rainy periods.
  • Try to establish a small local fish species in any pond.
  • Install a bat box in a tree near your house to provide habitat for tiny insectivorous bats with an average consumption of about 600 mozzies per hour. Insects are the total diet of these tiny bats so there is no need to worry that your fruit will be eaten!
  • Use repellents and wear long sleeves and pants when mosquitoes are likely to be present. Repellents are best applied to your clothing not your skin if using DEET.
  • New research indicates that magnolias discourage mosquitoes. Entomologists in the USA have managed to isolate several compounds in the petals, leaves and bark that are deadly to mosquito larvae.

Suggested Products:

Mosquito Drops

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