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Growing Moringa

Syn. Horseradish Tree; Drumstick Tree Growing Information

BOTANICAL NAME: Moringa oleifera

COMMON NAMES: Moringa syn Horseradish Tree; Drumstick Tree; Ben Tree; Miracle Tree

FAMILY: Moringaceae



Fast-growing, ornamental and deciduous; 8 m high with a drooping spread of 3 m. The stem is erect, with soft wood and corky bark; the leaves are fern-like and 50 cm long. The flowers are white and fragrant. The fruit is pod-like 'drumsticks' 30 cm long. Moringa is drought-tolerant and requires a well-drained soil. Moringa grows well in semi-arid zones and on marginal soils, as well as high rainfall areas and fertile soils. It is suitable for subtropical and tropical areas.


Food: the pungent root is used as a substitute for horseradish, eaten as a vegetable or pickled. The young foliage and flowers are a ready source of vitamins A and C as well as calcium, phosphorus; the leaves contain up to 38% protein. Leaves should always be cooked - add them to soups, stews, curries and pickles. The immature pods are cooked and curried like okra. Young seeds are used as a vegetable, mature seeds can be roasted and eaten like peanuts. An edible oil, 'ben oil', is expressed from the seeds, used in salads and for lubricating delicate machinery.

Bee forage: nectar source for bees.

Wood: provides fuel and a raw material for cellophane and textile production.

Living fence: Moringa spp. are commonly used for living fences.

Water purification: the seeds are used for clarifying water. The powdered suspension added to the surface of turbid water will bring it to the clarity of tap water within one to two hours, taking bacteria and other microorganisms with the sediment to the bottom.


Recommended planting time: plant in spring and summer when the soil temperature reaches 25°C.

Planting Depth: woody cuttings are planted (sloping end up) upright in the soil. Cutting material should be 2.5 to 4 cm thick and about 20-30 cm long, with 3 buds per cutting. The cuttings root readily and establish plants easily.

Spacing: place plants 80 to 140 cm apart.

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