- $3.90Unit price /Unavailable
- $3.90Unit price /Unavailable
Capsicum 'Yellow Corno Di Toro'
$3.90Unit price /Unavailable- $3.90Unit price /Unavailable
More about Capsicum
Capsicum annuum
Capsicums are warm season, frost tender annuals to 60 - 90 cm tall; generally staking them is a good idea. Seeds germinate best at 20 - 30°C soil temperature. Sowing at too low a temperature will cause delayed or failed germination.
In Temperate Areas: sow in early spring - either inside with extra bottom heat by using a bottom heat propagator; behind a sunny window or on top of a hot water system; if sowing outside wait until all frost danger has passed and the soil is warm. Generally if starting capsicum inside then sow seed 6 to 8 weeks before the last expected frost date in your area. By sowing early there will be time for a good crop to be produced before the first frost in winter
In Subtropical Areas: sow March - October in frost-free areas; wait for spring in areas that receive frost
In Tropical Areas: all year but avoid January - February above 32˚C can affect fruit set
Soil Type: fertile, well drained, garden loam with a pH of 5.5 - 7.0; prepare the soil by adding compost. If stakes are required then put them at the same time as transplanting takes place to avoid later root disturbance. Providing support to keep fruit clear of the ground helps keep fruit clean and prevents slug and snail damage.
Germination period: 10 - 21 days (longer if the soil is cool); liquid feed the seedlings once germinated
Planting depth: 6 mm deep
Position: full sun
Sow Where: into seedling pots to reduce transplant shock; transplant when the soil is warm
Plant Spacing: 40 - 50 cm between plants; 60 - 90 cm apart between rows
Details: keep well fertilised and watered; avoid high nitrogen fertilisers as these will promote leaf growth at the expense of fruit. In fruit fly areas the fruit should be protected by bagging
Harvest: 16 - 20 weeks: pick early fruit green to encourage fruiting