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GH  |  SKU: GH0446

Amaranth Grain


Ancient Aztec food grain; higher in protein than wheat or rice; rich source of the essential amino acid, lysine. Grows vigorously, tolerates drought, heat and is pest-resistant. Flowers are feathery plumes. Pale blonde amaranth grains are shiny, slightly larger than poppy seeds. Delicious cooked as cereal, ground for flour or popped like popcorn.

Product: Amaranth Grain

Product type: SEED ()

Botanical name: Amaranthus hypochondriacus

Ancient Aztec food grain; higher in protein than wheat or rice; rich source of the essential amino acid, lysine. Grows vigorously, tolerates drought, heat and is pest-resistant. Flowers are feathery plumes. Pale blonde amaranth grains are shiny, slightly larger than poppy seeds. Delicious cooked as cereal, ground for flour or popped like popcorn.

Plant type: Warm season annual

Plant height: 1.5 - 3m when in flower

Sow when: Germinate best at 20 - 27°C soil temp.

Temperate: Late spring to summer

Subtropical: All year, avoid frost periods

Tropical: All year

Germination: 3 - 7 days

Depth: Cover the fine seed very lightly, firm down and keep moist

Position: Full sun

Sow where: Sow direct into warm soil

Soil type: Fertile, well-drained soil; pH 5.5 - 6

Harvest: 4 - 6 months for grain crop; harvest the seed head once a few seeds drop, lay on a tarp and dry in the sun for a week until the stems are dry; separate the seeds from the stems and winnow in a light breeze

seeds per packet

Amaranthus hypochondriacus

Warm season annual


Amaranth Grain


Ancient Aztec food grain; higher in protein than wheat or rice; rich source of the essential amino acid, lysine. Grows vigorously, tolerates drought, heat and is pest-resistant. Flowers are feathery plumes. Pale blonde amaranth grains are shiny, slightly larger than poppy seeds. Delicious cooked as cereal, ground for flour or popped like popcorn.

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