Bean Bush 'Topnotch Golden Wax'
Bean Bush 'Topnotch Golden Wax' is backordered and will ship as soon as it is back in stock.
'Topnotch Golden Wax' is a classic 'wax' bean with crisp, golden yellow, slightly curved, straight pods, 14 - 16 cm long, with white seeds and white flowers. Excellent yields with good disease resistance. Germinates well in cool soil so is a good choice for early spring sowing.
Product: Bean Bush 'Topnotch Golden Wax'
Product type: SEED ()
Botanical name: Phaseolus vulgaris
'Topnotch Golden Wax' is a classic 'wax' bean with crisp, golden yellow, slightly curved, straight pods, 14 - 16 cm long, with white seeds and white flowers. Excellent yields with good disease resistance. Germinates well in cool soil so is a good choice for early spring sowing.
Plant type: Annual to 60 cm
Sow when: Beans are frost tender; germinate best at 18 - 25°C; seed will rot in cold, wet soil
Temperate: Spring to early summer
Subtropical: All year if frost-free; avoid Dec-Jan
Tropical: April - July; snake beans grow better
Germination: 4 - 10 days
Depth: 2 - 4 cm deep
Position: Full sun
Sow where: Direct into garden bed
Soil type: Fertile, well drained, pH 6.2 - 7
Rows: Double rows 60 cm apart
Details: Hill plants, up to 10 cm deep, to protect from wind damage. Water well once after sowing seed and then do not water again until seedlings appear.
Harvest: 55 - 60 days: pick daily; suitable for freezing.