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GH  |  SKU: GH0435

Bean Climbing 'Winged'


Winged bean is a vigorous, tropical climber with mauve-blue flowers and four-angled pods with wavy margins. The pods, leaves, flowers and tubers are all edible. It is high in protein: the seeds contain 34% protein and 17% oil; the root contains 20% protein. If you are growing it for pods, leaves or flowers, grow it on a trellis; a trellis is not needed if you are growing it for the tuberous roots - let it sprawl. Of course, you will need to replant annually if you are harvesting the roots. The young leaves (top three sets of leaflets on a shoot) are cooked and eaten. The flowers taste like sweetish mushrooms. It is among the world's most effective nitrogen-fixers.
A short day length (11-13 hours of daylight) during hot weather is required to flower, so it is not suitable for temperate areas; it is also very frost sensitive. It grows to 3 - 4m. Wait for warm, humid weather before sowing; in the subtropics sow November - December; in the tropics sow October until January. It will grow on a wide range of soils but requires moisture to do well; it tolerates acidity. Plant rows 1m apart; with 30 - 60 cm between plants. To improve germination either rub seeds with sandpaper or soak in hot water until the seeds swell. Harvest the pods when 10 - 20 cm long; use like green beans. Days to harvest: 60.

Product: Bean Climbing 'Winged'

Product type: SEED ()

Botanical name: Psophocarpus tetragonolobus

Syn.: syn. Goa Bean, Asparagus pea

Winged bean is a vigorous, tropical climber with mauve- blue flowers and four-angled pods with wavy margins. Sometimes called 'the supermarket plant' because the pods, leaves, flowers and tubers are all edible. It is not suitable for temperate areas as it needs a long, warm, growing season and is frost sensitive.

Plant type: Short-lived perennial, will die back every year

Plant height: Grow to 3 - 4m; require a trellis

Sow when: Wait for warm, humid weather; soil temperature of at least 25°C is needed November - December

Subtropical: October until January

Germination: 7 - 10 days

Depth: 2 - 3 cm deep

Position: Full sun

Sow where: Direct into garden bed

Soil type: Wide range of soils; requires moisture; tolerates acidity

Rows: 1m apart

Details: Rub seeds with sandpaper or soak in hot water until seeds swell, to improve germination

Harvest: 60 days; harvest the young pods when 10 - 20 cm long to use as green beans

Suitable for hot and humid: Suitable for hot and humid growing conditions

*Has edible flowers

seeds per packet

Psophocarpus tetragonolobus

syn. Goa Bean, Asparagus pea

Short-lived perennial, will die back every year

Bean Climbing 'Winged' - Green Harvest

Bean Climbing 'Winged'


Winged bean is a vigorous, tropical climber with mauve-blue flowers and four-angled pods with wavy margins. The pods, leaves, flowers and tubers are all edible. It is high in protein: the seeds contain 34% protein and 17% oil; the root contains 20% protein. If you are growing it for pods, leaves or flowers, grow it on a trellis; a trellis is not needed if you are growing it for the tuberous roots - let it sprawl. Of course, you will need to replant annually if you are harvesting the roots. The young leaves (top three sets of leaflets on a shoot) are cooked and eaten. The flowers taste like sweetish mushrooms. It is among the world's most effective nitrogen-fixers.
A short day length (11-13 hours of daylight) during hot weather is required to flower, so it is not suitable for temperate areas; it is also very frost sensitive. It grows to 3 - 4m. Wait for warm, humid weather before sowing; in the subtropics sow November - December; in the tropics sow October until January. It will grow on a wide range of soils but requires moisture to do well; it tolerates acidity. Plant rows 1m apart; with 30 - 60 cm between plants. To improve germination either rub seeds with sandpaper or soak in hot water until the seeds swell. Harvest the pods when 10 - 20 cm long; use like green beans. Days to harvest: 60.

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