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GH  |  SKU: GH0147

Bean Lima Climbing 'Civil War'


Civil War' is an heirloom bean that is grown as a podding bean or dried bean. Eaten young as a podding bean they make a great subtropical substitute for broad beans, which can be unreliable in warmer climates. To eat fresh, harvest the pods when they are well-filled with seeds and slightly leathery. Remove the seeds and eat steamed or in soups and stews. To harvest as a dried bean wait until the pods are nearly ready to split. Remove the seeds from the pods and dry further in a well-ventilated space, away from rodents. Lima beans originated in Peru where they have been cultivated for thousands of years. 'Civil War' is a vigorous, climbing bean that will need a strong support. It is excellent at coping with wet, humid conditions. Suitable for warm temperate, subtropical and tropical areas.

Product: Bean Lima Climbing 'Civil War'

Product type: SEED (15)

Botanical name: Phaseolus lunatus

Syn.: Syn. butter bean

Civil War' is an heirloom bean that is grown as a podding bean or dried bean. Eaten young as a podding bean they make a great subtropical substitute for broad beans, which can be unreliable in warmer climates. To eat fresh, harvest the pods when they are well-filled with seeds and slightly leathery. Remove the seeds and eat steamed or in soups and stews. To harvest as a dried bean wait until the pods are nearly ready to split. Lima beans originated in Peru where they have been cultivated for thousands of years.

Plant type: Short-lived perennial

Plant height: Grow to 2 - 3m; require a strong trellis

Sow when: Wait for warm, humid weather; soil temperature of at least 25°C is needed

Subtropical: November - December

Tropical: October - January

Germination: 7 - 10 days

Depth: 2 - 4 cm deep

Position: Full sun

Sow where: direct into garden bed

Soil type: Wide range of soils; requires moisture; tolerates acidity

Details: Soak seeds in hot water for up to an hour until seeds swell to improve germination

Harvest: 60 days (fresh), 115 days (dried); pick daily, early in the morning

Suitable for hot and humid: Suitable for hot and humid growing conditions

15 seeds per packet

Phaseolus lunatus

Syn. butter bean

Short-lived perennial


Bean Lima Climbing 'Civil War'


Civil War' is an heirloom bean that is grown as a podding bean or dried bean. Eaten young as a podding bean they make a great subtropical substitute for broad beans, which can be unreliable in warmer climates. To eat fresh, harvest the pods when they are well-filled with seeds and slightly leathery. Remove the seeds and eat steamed or in soups and stews. To harvest as a dried bean wait until the pods are nearly ready to split. Remove the seeds from the pods and dry further in a well-ventilated space, away from rodents. Lima beans originated in Peru where they have been cultivated for thousands of years. 'Civil War' is a vigorous, climbing bean that will need a strong support. It is excellent at coping with wet, humid conditions. Suitable for warm temperate, subtropical and tropical areas.

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