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GH  |  SKU: GH0459

Borage 'White'


White borage is a rare form of the common blue borage. It is a hardy, easy-to-grow annual with hairy leaves and pretty star-shaped white flowers that appear slightly later than the blue borage. The young leaves are believed to have a cucumber-like flavour and are eaten in salads. Chopping finely reduces the hairiness. The flowers can be candied or used to decorate a salad or fruit drink. The flowers are also excellent bee forage. The plant is a dynamic accumulator of potassium and silica. It is considered a companion plant for strawberries.

Product: Borage 'White'

Product type: SEED (30)

Botanical name: Borago officinalis var. 'Alba'

White borage is a rare form of the common blue borage. It is a hardy, easy-to-grow annual with hairy leaves and pretty star-shaped white flowers that appear slightly later than the blue borage. The young leaves are believed to have a cucumber-like flavour and are eaten in salads. Chopping finely reduces the hairiness. The flowers can be candied or used to decorate a salad or fruit drink. The flowers are also excellent bee forage. The plant is a dynamic accumulator of potassium and silica. It is considered a companion plant for strawberries.

Plant type: Annual warm season herb

Plant height: 60 - 90 cm

Sow when: Germinate best at 20 - 24°C soil temp.

Temperate: Spring

Subtropical: Spring, autumn in frost free areas

Tropical: Not suitable

Germination: 5 - 8 days

Depth: 6 mm deep, cover seed & firm down Do not over-water

Position: Full sun

Sow where: Sow directly where it is to grow

Soil type: Fertile, well drained soil; pH 6.5 - 7

Details: It self-sows readily but does not like being transplanted

Harvest: 80 days

30 seeds per packet

Borago officinalis var. 'Alba'

Annual warm season herb


Borage 'White'


White borage is a rare form of the common blue borage. It is a hardy, easy-to-grow annual with hairy leaves and pretty star-shaped white flowers that appear slightly later than the blue borage. The young leaves are believed to have a cucumber-like flavour and are eaten in salads. Chopping finely reduces the hairiness. The flowers can be candied or used to decorate a salad or fruit drink. The flowers are also excellent bee forage. The plant is a dynamic accumulator of potassium and silica. It is considered a companion plant for strawberries.

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