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GH  |  SKU: GH0028

Butterfly Pea


A perennial climbing vine native to tropical Asia, with striking vivid blue flowers that besides being ornamental, are used to make a natural food colouring. It is in use throughout Asia to colour drinks, desserts and cakes. It can also be used as a natural dye for clothes. As a legume it is also grown for soil improvement. The pods are 5 cm long, flat pods are edible when tender. It is hardy and good at coping with wet, humid conditions. It climbs vigorously to and requires a trellis. Wait for warm, humid weather before sowing; it needs a soil temperature of at least 25°C to germinate well. It tolerates a wide soil range but prefers fertile, well-drained soil.

Product: Butterfly Pea

Product type: SEED (10)

Botanical name: Clitoria ternatea

Syn.: syn. Pigeonwings, Cordofan pea, Darwin pea

syn. Pigeonwings, Cordofan pea, Darwin pea; a perennial climbing vine native to tropical Asia with striking vivid blue flowers that, besides being ornamental, are used to make a natural food colouring. It is in use throughout Asia to colour drinks, desserts and cakes. It can also be used as a natural dye for clothes. As a legume it is also grown for soil improvement. The pods are 5cm long, young flat pods are edible. It is hardy and good at coping with wet, humid conditions.

Plant type: Annual warm season twining legume

Plant height: 2 m

Sow when: Germinate best above 20°C soil temp.

Temperate: November - January

Subtropical: October - February

Tropical: All year

Germination: 15 - 20 days; scarify seed by rubbing with sandpaper; then soak seeds in warm water overnight to improve germination; sow swelled seeds; re-soak the remainder

Depth: 1 - 2 cm deep

Position: Full sun; Direct into garden bed

Soil type: Fertile, well drained, pH 5.5 - 7.5

Suitable for hot and humid: Suitable for hot and humid growing conditions

*Has edible flowers

10 seeds per packet

Clitoria ternatea

syn. Pigeonwings, Cordofan pea, Darwin pea

Annual warm season twining legume


Butterfly Pea


A perennial climbing vine native to tropical Asia, with striking vivid blue flowers that besides being ornamental, are used to make a natural food colouring. It is in use throughout Asia to colour drinks, desserts and cakes. It can also be used as a natural dye for clothes. As a legume it is also grown for soil improvement. The pods are 5 cm long, flat pods are edible when tender. It is hardy and good at coping with wet, humid conditions. It climbs vigorously to and requires a trellis. Wait for warm, humid weather before sowing; it needs a soil temperature of at least 25°C to germinate well. It tolerates a wide soil range but prefers fertile, well-drained soil.

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