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GH  |  SKU: GH0479



Syn. meridian fennel, Persian cumin; caraway is an aromatic, biennial, herbaceous herb to 60 cm, mainly grown for its seeds. It prefers cooler climates. The seeds are traditionally used in baking, soups and stews. All parts of the plant are edible; the leaves can be used in salad, the roots cooked like parsnip. The small, white flowers appear in the 2nd year and are attractive to a wide range of beneficial insects.

Product: Caraway

Product type: SEED (200)

Botanical name: Carum carvi

Syn. meridian fennel, Persian cumin; caraway is an aromatic, biennial, herbaceous herb to 60 cm, mainly grown for its seeds. It prefers cooler climates. The seeds are traditionally used in baking, soups and stews. All parts of the plant are edible; the leaves can be used in salad, the roots cooked like parsnip. The small, white flowers appear in the 2nd year and are attractive to a wide range of beneficial insects.

Plant type: Biennial herbaceous herb

Plant height: 60 cm when in flower

Sow when: Germinate best at 21°C soil temp.

Temperate: Early spring to autumn

Subtropical: Autumn

Tropical: Unlikely to do well

Germination: 14 days, slow and erratic

Depth: 6 mm deep; cover seed lightly

Position: Partial shade to full sun

Sow where: Sow into seedling tray

Soil type: Well drained, fertile soil, pH 6.5 - 7

Details: Cut back in autumn as it will re-sprout in spring; requires regular, even watering

Harvest: Harvest when seeds turn a rich deep brown colour, hang upside down to dry in a paper bag

200 seeds per packet

Carum carvi

Biennial herbaceous herb

Caraway - Green Harvest



Syn. meridian fennel, Persian cumin; caraway is an aromatic, biennial, herbaceous herb to 60 cm, mainly grown for its seeds. It prefers cooler climates. The seeds are traditionally used in baking, soups and stews. All parts of the plant are edible; the leaves can be used in salad, the roots cooked like parsnip. The small, white flowers appear in the 2nd year and are attractive to a wide range of beneficial insects.

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