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GH  |  SKU: GH0488

Chilacayote Squash


Syn. Malabar gourd, chiverre. Widely grown as a vegetable in Mexico and South America. It grows like a pumpkin vine to 15m long and forms roots in the leaf nodes. The melon-like fruit are large, round, green with white speckles. Highly productive vines produce fruit that can weigh up to 6kg. The flowers, leaves and tender shoots are used as greens. Young fruit are eaten cooked, mature fruit are used in jams and confectionery. The protein-rich seeds are very nutritious. Vines are very hardy and disease resistant; the fruit stores for many months.

Product: Chilacayote Squash

Product type: SEED (10)

Botanical name: Cucurbita ficifolia

Syn.: Syn. Shark Fin's Melon

Syn. Malabar gourd, chiverre. Widely grown as a vegetable in Mexico and South America. It grows like a pumpkin vine to 15m long and forms roots in the leaf nodes. The melon-like fruit are large, round, green with white speckles. Highly productive vines produce fruit that can weigh up to 6kg. The flowers, leaves and tender shoots are used as greens. Young fruit are eaten cooked, mature fruit are used in jams and confectionery. The protein-rich seeds are very nutritious. Vines are very hardy and disease resistant; the fruit stores for many months.

Plant type: Frost tender, fast growing vine, perennial in the tropics

Sow when: Germinate best at 25°C soil temp.

Temperate: Annual only, start early spring

Subtropical: Spring to early autumn

Tropical: Dry season

Germination: 15 - 30 days

Depth: 3 cm deep

Position: Full sun

Sow where: Direct into soil at the base of the trellis

Soil type: Fertile, well drained, pH 6 - 7.5

Details: Keep it away from young trees and structures as it will climb readily

Harvest: 80 - 120 days

10 seeds per packet

Cucurbita ficifolia

Syn. Shark Fin's Melon

Frost tender, fast growing vine, perennial in the tropics

Chilacayote Squash - Green Harvest

Chilacayote Squash


Syn. Malabar gourd, chiverre. Widely grown as a vegetable in Mexico and South America. It grows like a pumpkin vine to 15m long and forms roots in the leaf nodes. The melon-like fruit are large, round, green with white speckles. Highly productive vines produce fruit that can weigh up to 6kg. The flowers, leaves and tender shoots are used as greens. Young fruit are eaten cooked, mature fruit are used in jams and confectionery. The protein-rich seeds are very nutritious. Vines are very hardy and disease resistant; the fruit stores for many months.

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