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GH  |  SKU: GH0151

Columbine 'Mckana Giants'


Columbine McKana's Giants are a hardy, short-lived perennial for cooler areas. It grows 75 cm high by 45 cm wide. The flowers are a pretty combination of white, pink, blue, yellow, pink, pale-blue, purple and scarlet in bloom Spring to Summer. The leafy rosette has a ferny appearance. It is a good cut flower and grows well in rock gardens, perennial beds and borders. The flowers are an excellent bee forage. It prefers a position in partial shade with a cool, moist, humus-rich, well-drained soil. The seeds germinate best at 21°C; sow early Spring in temperate areas; Autumn in subtropical areas. Germination is slow, taking up to 30 days.

Product: Columbine 'Mckana Giants'

Product type: SEED (75)

Botanical name: Aquilegia x cultorum

Syn.: Syn. Granny's Bonnet

Syn. Granny's Bonnet. Columbine McKana's Giants have very large, 7 - 8 cm flowers in combinations of white, pink, blue, yellow, pale-blue, purple and scarlet and blooms spring to summer. The leafy rosette has a ferny appearance. It is a good cut flower and grows well in rock gardens, perennial beds and borders. The flowers are an excellent bee forage. A good choice for cooler areas.

Plant type: Hardy, short-lived perennial

Plant height: 75 cm high by 45 cm wide

Sow when: Germinate best at 21°C

Cool: Early spring

Temperate: Autumn or early spring

Subtropical: Late summer to autumn

Germination: 21 - 30 days

Depth: Do not cover seed, requires light to germinate; keep soil moist

Position: Partial shade

Sow where: Sow into seedling trays for later pricking out into small pots; once established, transplant into the garden

Soil type: Prefers cool, moist, humus-rich, well-drained soil

Details: Plants can be divided when dormant

Flowering: 16 weeks; may self-sow

*Good for bees

75 seeds per packet

Aquilegia x cultorum

Syn. Granny's Bonnet

Hardy, short-lived perennial


Columbine 'Mckana Giants'


Columbine McKana's Giants are a hardy, short-lived perennial for cooler areas. It grows 75 cm high by 45 cm wide. The flowers are a pretty combination of white, pink, blue, yellow, pink, pale-blue, purple and scarlet in bloom Spring to Summer. The leafy rosette has a ferny appearance. It is a good cut flower and grows well in rock gardens, perennial beds and borders. The flowers are an excellent bee forage. It prefers a position in partial shade with a cool, moist, humus-rich, well-drained soil. The seeds germinate best at 21°C; sow early Spring in temperate areas; Autumn in subtropical areas. Germination is slow, taking up to 30 days.

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