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GH  |  SKU: GH0518

Ice Plant Crystal Leaf


Syn. Sea Fig; native to South Africa this unique salad plant does well in arid areas and coastal regions, as it is very salt-tolerant. The thick, succulent, slightly salty tasting leaves appear to be coated in glistening ice crystals. It can be used as a savoury garnish or in salads. It is very heat tolerant so makes a good summer green for hot weather.

Product: Ice Plant Crystal Leaf

Product type: SEED (200)

Botanical name: Mesembryanthemum crystallinum

Syn. Sea Fig; native to South Africa this unique salad plant does well in arid areas and coastal regions, as it is very salt-tolerant. The thick, succulent, slightly salty tasting leaves appear to be coated in glistening ice crystals. It can be used as a savoury garnish or in salads. It is very heat tolerant so makes a good summer green for hot weather.

Plant type: Warm season annual or biennial

Plant height: Low growing matting plant; 10 - 15cm high

Sow when: Germinate best at 18 - 24°C soil temp.

Temperate: Spring to early summer

Subtropical: Sow autumn if frost-free; also try in a container or hanging basket

Tropical: Unlikely to do well

Germination: 10 - 21 days

Depth: Press down firmly and water gently

Position: Full sun in a dry position

Sow where: Sow in seedling trays for later transplanting; use a well-drained mix

Soil type: Well-drained, fertile, sandy, pH 5.5 - 7

Details: Avoid over-watering; protect from slugs and snails; cuttings root readily

Harvest: 50 days: pick the young juicy, green leaves

200 seeds per packet

Mesembryanthemum crystallinum

Warm season annual or biennial


Ice Plant Crystal Leaf


Syn. Sea Fig; native to South Africa this unique salad plant does well in arid areas and coastal regions, as it is very salt-tolerant. The thick, succulent, slightly salty tasting leaves appear to be coated in glistening ice crystals. It can be used as a savoury garnish or in salads. It is very heat tolerant so makes a good summer green for hot weather.

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