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GH  |  SKU: GH0149



Climbing plant from Central America, with delicious sweet, crisp tuber, eaten raw or cooked, flowers are removed, as seeds are toxic. Sow spring in the subtropics; sow all year in the tropics; in warm temperate areas do not sow before early summer as it requires a very warm soil to germinate. Suitable for temperate, subtropical and tropical areas.
Jicama growing information...

Product: Jicama

Product type: SEED (15)

Botanical name: Pachyrhizus erosus

Syn. Climbing Yam Bean, Mexican Water Chestnut. Jicama is a subtropical & tropical vigorous, climbing vine, it requires a long, frost-free growing season to crop successfully. The edible tubers can be eaten raw in salads & substituted for water chestnuts in stir-fry. The vines are pruned to 1 - 1.5m to remove the flowers as this can improve the yield of roots. The roots develop a tuber, the size of a large turnip. The roots will store in a cool, dry place for up to 4 months. The seed pods & seeds are toxic and dangerous to eat.

Plant type: Warm season annual, frost tender

Plant height: 2 - 6m tall

Sow when: Germinate best at 25 - 30°C soil temp.

Temperate: Spring behind glass for extra heat

Subtropical: October - February

Tropical: April - August

Germination: 12 - 18 days

Depth: 5 cm deep

Position: Full sun

Sow where: Direct, or into seedling pots, transplant when soil is warm

Soil type: Rich, moist, well-drained soil; add organic fertiliser monthly; pH 6 - 7

Details: Soak seed overnight in warm water

Harvest: The tubers can be harvested from 4 months for small tubers, it takes up to 9 months for large tubers to develop

Suitable for hot and humid: Suitable for hot and humid growing conditions

15 seeds per packet

Pachyrhizus erosus

Warm season annual, frost tender




Climbing plant from Central America, with delicious sweet, crisp tuber, eaten raw or cooked, flowers are removed, as seeds are toxic. Sow spring in the subtropics; sow all year in the tropics; in warm temperate areas do not sow before early summer as it requires a very warm soil to germinate. Suitable for temperate, subtropical and tropical areas.
Jicama growing information...

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