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GH  |  SKU: GH0062



Adds nitrogen, likes it hot, very vigorous vine; suits a wide range of soils and wet weather; useful animal forage, some drought tolerance. Sow in subtropical areas October - February and in tropical areas all year.

Product: Lablab

Product type: SEED (X)

Botanical name: Lablab purpureus

Syn. dolichos; hyacinth bean. 'Lablab is a fast growing annual legume vine with purple flowers and black seeds; it is tolerant of heat and drought. A min. rainfall p.a. of 600 mm is required. Lablab is an extremely vigorous animal forage and can be mixed with sweet sorghum for late autumn feed. It can be grazed up to 3 times. It makes an excellent green manure as it adds nitrogen and smothers weeds. Care should be taken to avoid self-sowing in warmer areas. It is highly susceptible to waterlogging.

Plant type: Annual warm season twining legume

Plant height: 1 - 2 m

Sow when: Germinate best above 20°C soil temp.

Temperate: November - February

Subtropical: September - March

Tropical: During the wet season

Germination: 8 - 10 days

Depth: 1 - 5 cm deep

Position: Full sun; direct where it is to grow

Soil type: It tolerates a wide soil range but prefers fertile, well-drained soil; pH 6 - 7

Inoculant: Follow the instructions for the inoculant provided

Green manure: Dig or slash it in when flowers are fully formed

X seeds per packet

Lablab purpureus

Annual warm season twining legume




Adds nitrogen, likes it hot, very vigorous vine; suits a wide range of soils and wet weather; useful animal forage, some drought tolerance. Sow in subtropical areas October - February and in tropical areas all year.

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