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GH  |  SKU: GH0032

Melon - Bitter (Jounpuri)


A prolific, open-pollinated, traditional variety of bitter melon. The fruit are heavily warted and up to 25 - 30 cm long. Fruit are best picked when young and green.

Product: Melon - Bitter (Jounpuri)

Product type: SEED ()

Botanical name: Momordica charantia

Syn. Fu kwa, Balsam Pear or Bitter Gourd. A vine with small, fragrant flowers, it produces prolifically but may need hand pollination in cool climates. The fruit weigh up to 20 kg but are best picked at 1.5 kg, bigger fruit is more bitter. The fruit is peeled, rubbed with salt and left for an hour then rinsed and the central spongy pith discarded. Seeds should not be eaten. Used as a cooked vegetable and in pickles and curries. Young leaves and shoots are edible.

Plant type: Tropical annual vine; frost tender

Plant height: 2m, across the ground, or on a trellis

Sow when: Germinates best at 28 - 30°C soil temp.

Temperate: Early spring, needs a long growing season, start indoors

Subtropical: Spring to early autumn

Tropical: Dry season

Germination: 5 - 10 days

Depth: 2.5 cm deep

Position: Full sun

Sow where: Direct into garden bed

Soil type: Well drained, add compost, pH 6.5

Rows: 1.5 m

Details: Soak seeds overnight in warm water before sowing; pinch out the vine tips to encourage branching

Harvest: Up to 5 months

Suitable for hot and humid: Suitable for hot and humid growing conditions

seeds per packet

Momordica charantia

Tropical annual vine; frost tender


Melon - Bitter (Jounpuri)


A prolific, open-pollinated, traditional variety of bitter melon. The fruit are heavily warted and up to 25 - 30 cm long. Fruit are best picked when young and green.

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