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GH  |  SKU: GH0567

Perilla 'Purple'


Syn. Red Shiso, Beefsteakplant, Summer Coleus. This Japanese culinary herb is a very aromatic plant, with a flavour between mint and basil. It is a great addition to salads and a very ornamental garnish. The leaves are popular in Japan for flavouring raw fish, bean curd, pickles and tempura. Also used to give a scarlet colour to pickled plums and preserved ginger.

Product: Perilla 'Purple'

Product type: SEED (125)

Botanical name: Perilla frutescens crispa

Syn. Red Shiso, Beefsteakplant, Summer Coleus. This Japanese culinary herb is a very aromatic plant, with a flavour between mint and basil. It is a great addition to salads and a very ornamental garnish. The leaves are popular in Japan for flavouring raw fish, bean curd, pickles and tempura. Also used to give a scarlet colour to pickled plums and preserved ginger.

Plant type: Annual

Plant height: 80 cm

Sow when: Soil temperature needs to be 20 - 22°C

Temperate: Spring to early summer

Subtropical: Spring to summer

Tropical: Dry season

Germination: 11 - 30 days

Depth: Needs light to germinate; cover seeds with a very fine layer only

Position: Full sun; partial shade in hot areas

Sow where: Direct into garden bed

Soil type: Fertile, well drained, pH 6.5 - 7.5

Details: Before sowing, chill seeds at 5°C for 3 days in moist sand; then soak seed overnight in warm water

Harvest: 80-85 days: prevent the plants flowering and setting seed to avoid weediness.

125 seeds per packet

Perilla frutescens crispa



Perilla 'Purple'


Syn. Red Shiso, Beefsteakplant, Summer Coleus. This Japanese culinary herb is a very aromatic plant, with a flavour between mint and basil. It is a great addition to salads and a very ornamental garnish. The leaves are popular in Japan for flavouring raw fish, bean curd, pickles and tempura. Also used to give a scarlet colour to pickled plums and preserved ginger.

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