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GH  |  SKU: GH0568

Perilla 'Tia To'


Syn. 'Tiet To', Vietnamese Perilla. 'Tia To' has very attractive leaves, purple on one side and dark green on the other. Traditionally used in Vietnamese cuisine; the leaves are shredded and used in eggplant and seafood dishes and in rice paper rolls. It has a mild, aromatic flavour between mint and basil. The red colour contrast is more vibrant at cooler temperatures.

Product: Perilla 'Tia To'

Product type: SEED ()

Botanical name: Perilla frutescens

Syn. 'Tiet To', Vietnamese Perilla. 'Tia To' has very attractive leaves, purple on one side and dark green on the other. Traditionally used in Vietnamese cuisine; the leaves are shredded and used in eggplant and seafood dishes and in rice paper rolls. It has a mild, aromatic flavour between mint and basil. The red colour contrast is more vibrant at cooler temperatures.

Plant type: Annual

Plant height: 80 cm

Sow when: Soil temperature needs to be 20 - 22°C

Temperate: Spring to early summer

Subtropical: Spring to summer

Tropical: Dry season

Germination: 11 - 30 days

Depth: Needs light to germinate; cover seeds with a very fine layer only

Position: Full sun; partial shade in hot areas

Sow where: Direct into garden bed

Soil type: Fertile, well drained, pH 6.5 - 7.5

Details: Before sowing, chill seeds at 5°C for 3 days in moist sand; then soak seed overnight in warm water

Harvest: 80-85 days: prevent the plants flowering and setting seed to avoid weediness

seeds per packet

Perilla frutescens



Perilla 'Tia To'


Syn. 'Tiet To', Vietnamese Perilla. 'Tia To' has very attractive leaves, purple on one side and dark green on the other. Traditionally used in Vietnamese cuisine; the leaves are shredded and used in eggplant and seafood dishes and in rice paper rolls. It has a mild, aromatic flavour between mint and basil. The red colour contrast is more vibrant at cooler temperatures.

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