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GH  |  SKU: GH0570



Pomegranate is an attractive tree for Mediterranean areas with glossy green leaves and scarlet flowers. It is slow growing, long-lived and will take up to 3 - 5 years to bear well. High temperatures are essential during fruit development for a good flavour. Pomegranates are drought resistant but will not bear well without adequate irrigation. It fruits on spurs of mature wood so prune lightly. It is self-pollinated so only one tree is needed but cross-pollination will improve fruit quality.

Product: Pomegranate

Product type: SEED (20)

Botanical name: Punica granatum

Pomegranate is an attractive tree for Mediterranean areas with glossy green leaves and scarlet flowers. It is slow growing, long-lived and will take up to 3 - 5 years to bear well. High temperatures are essential during fruit development for a good flavour. Pomegranates are drought resistant but will not bear well without adequate irrigation. It fruits on spurs of mature wood so prune lightly. It is self-pollinated so only one tree is needed but cross-pollination will improve fruit quality.

Plant type: Deciduous, shrubby, small tree

Plant height: 4 to 7 m high

Sow when: Germinate best at 24 - 26°C soil temp.

Temperate: Spring - with extra heat

Subtropical: Spring, early summer

Tropical: Unlikely to do well, dislikes humidity

Germination: 14 - 40 days

Depth: 5 mm deep; pre-soak in warm water overnight

Position: Full sun to semi-shade

Sow where: Into seedling trays; prick out into forestry tubes, grow for a year before transplanting; avoid disturbing the roots

Soil type: Tolerant of wide range of soil types but needs good drainage; pH 5.5 - 7; add compost & mulch annually

Harvest: 5 - 7 months after flowering, fruit quality improves in storage

20 seeds per packet

Punica granatum

Deciduous, shrubby, small tree

Pomegranate - Green Harvest



Pomegranate is an attractive tree for Mediterranean areas with glossy green leaves and scarlet flowers. It is slow growing, long-lived and will take up to 3 - 5 years to bear well. High temperatures are essential during fruit development for a good flavour. Pomegranates are drought resistant but will not bear well without adequate irrigation. It fruits on spurs of mature wood so prune lightly. It is self-pollinated so only one tree is needed but cross-pollination will improve fruit quality.

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