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GH  |  SKU: GH0230

Poppy 'Iceland Mix'


Iceland poppies signal spring and who can resist the way the delicate new flowers unfurl? It grows through the cool season for a late Winter and an early Spring display. The annual plants are compact, low-growing rosettes with gray-green leaves 45 - 60 cm tall. It produces flowers with colours including salmon pink, orange, rose, lemon, gold and creamy white on strong, upright stems. It is used in containers, cottage gardens and as a cut flower. Useful as a bee forage and attractive to beneficial insects. It prefers to grow in full sun in a rich, well-drained soil. Sow mid-Summer to early Autumn in temperate and late Summer to early Winter in subtropical and tropical areas.

Product: Poppy 'Iceland Mix'

Product type: SEED (40)

Botanical name: Papaver nudicaule

Iceland poppies grow through the cool season for a late winter and an early spring display. The plants are compact, low-growing rosettes with grey-green leaves. It produces flowers with colours including salmon pink, orange, rose, lemon, gold and creamy white on strong, upright stems. It is used in containers, cottage gardens and as a cut flower. Useful as a bee forage and attractive to beneficial insects.

Plant type: Hardy annual to 45 - 60 cm high

Sow when: Germinates best between 17 - 20°C

Temperate: Mid summer to early autumn

Subtropical: Late summer to early winter

Tropical: Late summer to early winter

Germination: 10 - 14 days

Depth: 3mm; requires light for germination, sift a very thin cover over seed

Position: Full sun

Sow where: Sow into seed tray, transplant when 7 cm high

Soil type: Fertile, well drained, pH 6.5 - 7

Details: Dead head regularly to prolong blooming for many months; keeping moisture even will prolong flowering as well

Flowering: 24 weeks

*Good for bees

40 seeds per packet

Papaver nudicaule

Hardy annual to 45 - 60 cm high


Poppy 'Iceland Mix'


Iceland poppies signal spring and who can resist the way the delicate new flowers unfurl? It grows through the cool season for a late Winter and an early Spring display. The annual plants are compact, low-growing rosettes with gray-green leaves 45 - 60 cm tall. It produces flowers with colours including salmon pink, orange, rose, lemon, gold and creamy white on strong, upright stems. It is used in containers, cottage gardens and as a cut flower. Useful as a bee forage and attractive to beneficial insects. It prefers to grow in full sun in a rich, well-drained soil. Sow mid-Summer to early Autumn in temperate and late Summer to early Winter in subtropical and tropical areas.

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