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GH  |  SKU: GH0351

Saltbush Old Man


Saltbush is a native, sprawling evergreen shrub growing 3 x 3 m. The plant is tall and densely branched with grey leaves and inconspicuous flowers. It is suitable for arid areas and is highly drought resistant and salt tolerant. The young, tender leaves are edible and can be used in a range of ways in the kitchen if the plants are grown in good conditions. It is a useful fodder eaten readily by sheep and cattle. In arid, inland areas it can be used as an ornamental fire-retardant hedge around gardens. It prefers a well-drained alkaline clay soil in full sun, it is unlikely to do well in humid regions. It does best in areas with an average annual rainfall between 300 - 600 mm. Sow in autumn for young plants to be ready for spring planting. Seed germination is a low % and slow, taking approx. 21 days.

Product: Saltbush Old Man

Product type: SEED (20)

Botanical name: Atriplex nummularia

Saltbush is a native, evergreen shrub; tall and densely branched with grey leaves and tiny flowers. Suitable for arid, inland areas and highly drought resistant and salt tolerant. The young, tender leaves are edible and can be used in a range of ways in the kitchen, if the plants are grown in good conditions. It is a useful fodder eaten readily by sheep and cattle. Also useful as an ornamental fire-retardant hedge around gardens.

Plant type: Shrubby, sprawling plant 3m x 3m

Sow when: Germinate best at 15 - 21°

Temperate: Autumn for spring planting out

Subtropical: Unlikely to do well in coastal areas

Tropical: Unlikely to do well

Germination: Slow - 21 days, low germination %

Depth: 6 mm deep, cover with fine sand

Position: Full sun

Sow where: Sow direct into forestry tubes or small pots for later transplanting; use a free-draining mix

Soil type: Adaptable to many soil types but does best on alkaline, well-drained clay soil

Details: Avoid over-watering; benefits from annual pruning

20 seeds per packet

Atriplex nummularia

Shrubby, sprawling plant 3m x 3m


Saltbush Old Man


Saltbush is a native, sprawling evergreen shrub growing 3 x 3 m. The plant is tall and densely branched with grey leaves and inconspicuous flowers. It is suitable for arid areas and is highly drought resistant and salt tolerant. The young, tender leaves are edible and can be used in a range of ways in the kitchen if the plants are grown in good conditions. It is a useful fodder eaten readily by sheep and cattle. In arid, inland areas it can be used as an ornamental fire-retardant hedge around gardens. It prefers a well-drained alkaline clay soil in full sun, it is unlikely to do well in humid regions. It does best in areas with an average annual rainfall between 300 - 600 mm. Sow in autumn for young plants to be ready for spring planting. Seed germination is a low % and slow, taking approx. 21 days.

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