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GH  |  SKU: GH0363

Snapdragon 'Colour Mix'


Snapdragon is a hardy, very pretty, cottage garden annual that blooms for a long period. The flowers are edible and can be used as a garnish or in dressings but can have a bland taste. Snapdragon 'Colour Mix' has larger florets with thicker petals and foliage than the average snapdragon. It is a bright rainbow mix on tall, sturdy 60 cm plants. It is excellent as a cut flower. The plants prefer a sunny open position in moist, fertile, well-drained soil. The seeds germinate at 21 - 24°C; germination can take from 10 - 14 days. Sow spring to early summer or autumn in temperate areas; spring in very cool areas; autumn to early spring in subtropical areas. Days to bloom: 110 days.

Product: Snapdragon 'Colour Mix'

Product type: SEED (400)

Botanical name: Antirrhinum majus

Snapdragon is a hardy, very pretty, cottage garden annual that blooms for a long period. The flowers are edible and can be used as a garnish or in dressings but can have a bland taste. Snapdragon 'Colour Mix' has larger florets with thicker petals and foliage than the average snapdragon. It is a bright rainbow mix of crimson, lavender, pink, purple, orange, white and yellow flowers on tall, sturdy 60 cm plants. It is excellent as a cut flower.

Plant type: Annual; hardy to light frost only

Plant height: 60 cm tall

Sow when: Germinate best at 21 - 24°C soil temp.

Temperate: Spring to early summer or autumn Spring

Subtropical: Autumn to early spring

Tropical: Unlikely to do well

Germination: 10 - 14 days

Depth: Very lightly cover seed to 1mm deep, firm down, keep moist

Position: Full sun

Sow where: Sow into seedling trays for later transplanting or direct sow

Soil type: Prefer a moist, well-drained, fertile soil

Details: 110 days; dead head regularly to prolong blooming

*Has edible flowers

400 seeds per packet

Antirrhinum majus

Annual; hardy to light frost only


Snapdragon 'Colour Mix'


Snapdragon is a hardy, very pretty, cottage garden annual that blooms for a long period. The flowers are edible and can be used as a garnish or in dressings but can have a bland taste. Snapdragon 'Colour Mix' has larger florets with thicker petals and foliage than the average snapdragon. It is a bright rainbow mix on tall, sturdy 60 cm plants. It is excellent as a cut flower. The plants prefer a sunny open position in moist, fertile, well-drained soil. The seeds germinate at 21 - 24°C; germination can take from 10 - 14 days. Sow spring to early summer or autumn in temperate areas; spring in very cool areas; autumn to early spring in subtropical areas. Days to bloom: 110 days.

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