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GH  |  SKU: GH0333

Sorrel 'Red Vein'


Red Vein' has bright green leaves with contrasting dark red stems and veins. It is a herbaceous, hardy perennial to 30 cm high. The flavour is sharp, tangy and lemony, the texture is smooth and crisp. It is mainly used as a salad green or baby leaf as the older leaves become tough. It also makes a beautiful garnish. Nutritionally it contains vitamins A and C; minerals calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. It germinates best at 7 - 23°C soil temperature. Sow in spring in temperate areas; March - September in subtropical areas; April - July in tropical areas. Choose a position in partial shade. Preferred soil is fertile and well drained; it will tolerate acid conditions pH 5.5 - 6.8. Harvest in 55 days by picking outer leaves. Plants can be propagated by division.

Product: Sorrel 'Red Vein'

Product type: SEED (100)

Botanical name: Rumex sanguineus

Red Vein' has bright green leaves with contrasting dark red stems and veins. The flavour is sharp, tangy and lemony, the texture is smooth and crisp. It is mainly used as a salad green or baby leaf as the older leaves become tough. It also makes a beautiful garnish. Nutritionally it contains vitamins A and C; minerals calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.

Plant type: Herbaceous, hardy perennial

Plant height: 30 cm

Sow when: Germinate best at 7 - 23°C soil temp.

Temperate: Spring

Subtropical: March - September

Tropical: April - July

Germination: 7 - 14 days

Depth: 10 mm deep; soak seeds overnight before planting

Position: Partial shade

Sow where: Sow direct or into a seedling tray

Soil type: Fertile, well drained; add compost; will tolerate acid conditions; pH 5.5 - 6.8

Rows: 30 cm apart

Details: Keep soil moist, prefers boggy ground

Harvest: 55 days; harvest by picking outer leaves; plants can be propagated by division

100 seeds per packet

Rumex sanguineus

Herbaceous, hardy perennial


Sorrel 'Red Vein'


Red Vein' has bright green leaves with contrasting dark red stems and veins. It is a herbaceous, hardy perennial to 30 cm high. The flavour is sharp, tangy and lemony, the texture is smooth and crisp. It is mainly used as a salad green or baby leaf as the older leaves become tough. It also makes a beautiful garnish. Nutritionally it contains vitamins A and C; minerals calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. It germinates best at 7 - 23°C soil temperature. Sow in spring in temperate areas; March - September in subtropical areas; April - July in tropical areas. Choose a position in partial shade. Preferred soil is fertile and well drained; it will tolerate acid conditions pH 5.5 - 6.8. Harvest in 55 days by picking outer leaves. Plants can be propagated by division.

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