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GH  |  SKU: GH0608

Squash 'Ronde De Nice'


'Ronde de Nice' is a rare French heirloom, it is a vigorous, fast-growing and highly productive bush squash. The squash is round and green with white speckling. It is tender with an exceptional flavor, the skin is delicate and bruises easily. It freezes well.

Product: Squash 'Ronde De Nice'

Product type: SEED (15)

Botanical name: Cucurbita pepo

Ronde de Nice' is a rare French heirloom, it is a vigorous, fast-growing and highly productive bush squash. The squash is round and green with white speckling. It is tender with an exceptional flavor, the skin is delicate and bruises easily. It freezes well.

Plant type: Annual bush squash

Plant height: 75 -100 cm

Sow when: Squash is frost tender; germinate best at 21 - 35°C; seed will rot in cold, wet soil; rodents and birds eat seed; protect with an upturned pot

Temperate: Spring to early summer

Subtropical: All year if frost-free

Tropical: Dry season

Germination: 7 - 10 days

Depth: 1.5 - 2 cm deep

Position: Full sun

Sow where: Direct into garden bed, keep soil moist

Soil type: Fertile, well-drained soil, pH 6 - 7.5; add plenty of compost

Rows: Space 'hills' 1 m apart

Harvest: 52 days: harvest when slightly bigger than a golf ball; larger fruit can be stuffed

15 seeds per packet

Cucurbita pepo

Annual bush squash

Squash 'Ronde De Nice' - Green Harvest

Squash 'Ronde De Nice'


'Ronde de Nice' is a rare French heirloom, it is a vigorous, fast-growing and highly productive bush squash. The squash is round and green with white speckling. It is tender with an exceptional flavor, the skin is delicate and bruises easily. It freezes well.

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