Statice 'Midnight Blue'
Statice 'Midnight Blue' is backordered and will ship as soon as it is back in stock.
Statice 'Midnight Blue' is a desirable annual variety, known for its striking, deep blue-purple flower clusters, reaching up to 7cm across. These papery blooms are produced on strong, slender stems, making them ideal for cut flower arrangements and dried displays. This plant thrives in well-drained, loamy soil and prefers a sunny location. It exhibits good drought and salt tolerance. For optimal germination, sow seeds at 21°C in early spring (temperate areas), late spring (cool areas), or March-April (subtropical regions). Expect blooms 110-120 days after sowing. Deadheading encourages prolonged flowering, though it may self-sow if left unchecked.
Product: Statice 'Midnight Blue'
Product type: SEED (30)
Botanical name: Limonium sinuatum
Syn.: Syn. Annual statice, Wavyleaf sea lavender
Syn. Annual statice, Wavyleaf sea lavender; Statice 'Midnight Blue' is a desirable annual variety, known for its striking, deep blue-purple flower clusters, reaching up to 7cm across. These papery blooms are produced on strong, slender stems, making them ideal for cut flower arrangements and dried displays. This plant thrives in well-drained, loamy soil and prefers a sunny location. It exhibits good drought and salt tolerance. For optimal germination, sow seeds at 21°C in early spring (temperate areas), late spring (cool areas), or March-April (subtropical regions). Expect blooms 110-120 days after sowing. Deadheading encourages prolonged flowering, though it may self-sow if left unchecked.
Plant type: Annual flower; frost tender
Plant height: 60 - 75cm tall
Sow when: Germinate best at 21°C soil temp.
Temperate: Early spring; late spring in cold areas
Subtropical: March to April
Tropical: Unlikely to do well
Germination: 5 - 14 days
Depth: 3 mm deep, requires light to germinate
Position: Full sun
Sow where: Sow into seedling trays for later transplanting
Soil type: Prefers a rich, fertile well-drained soil
Flowering: 110 - 120 days; to dry, gather them in small bunches and hang upside down in a well-ventilated room or on a verandah away from direct sunlight
30 seeds per packet
Limonium sinuatum
Syn. Annual statice, Wavyleaf sea lavender