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GH  |  SKU: GH0371

Stock 'Mammoth Excelsior'


Stock 'Mammoth Excelsior' grow as beautiful tall spires to 100 cm of highly fragrant flowers in mixed shades of white, deep-pink, magenta, lavender, ruby-red and violet. The plants bloom with single and double flowers. The edible flowers are added to salads or used as a decoration for sweet desserts. It is ideal as a cottage garden plant; cut flower or dried flower for the home or to make up flower bunches on a market stall. The seeds germinate best between 18 - 24°C; sow autumn to early winter in temperate areas; autumn in subtropical areas. It prefers a well-drained, neutral pH loamy soil in a sunny position. Days to bloom: 12 - 14 weeks.

Product: Stock 'Mammoth Excelsior'

Product type: SEED (50)

Botanical name: Matthiola incana

Syn.: Syn. Gillyflower

Syn. Gillyflower; Stock 'Mammoth Excelsior' grow as beautiful tall spires to 100 cm of highly fragrant flowers in mixed shades of white, deep pink, magenta, lavender, ruby red and violet. The plants bloom with single and double flowers. The edible flowers are added to salads or used as a decoration for sweet desserts. It is ideal as a cottage garden plant; cut flower or dried flower for the home or to make up flower bunches on a market stall.

Plant type: Cool season annual

Sow when: Germinate best at 18 - 24°C soil temp.

Cool: Mid summer to autumn

Temperate: Autumn to early winter

Subtropical: Autumn

Tropical: Unlikely to do well

Germination: 7 - 14 days

Depth: Cover seed 5mm deep with mix; avoid overwatering as stocks are prone to damping off

Position: Full sun with protection from strong winds

Sow where: Sow into seedling trays for later transplanting

Soil type: Prefers well-drained, neutral pH soil

Flowering: 12 - 14 weeks; cut the flower spikes to encourage side shoots to grow and flower

*Has edible flowers

*Good for bees

50 seeds per packet

Matthiola incana

Syn. Gillyflower

Cool season annual


Stock 'Mammoth Excelsior'


Stock 'Mammoth Excelsior' grow as beautiful tall spires to 100 cm of highly fragrant flowers in mixed shades of white, deep-pink, magenta, lavender, ruby-red and violet. The plants bloom with single and double flowers. The edible flowers are added to salads or used as a decoration for sweet desserts. It is ideal as a cottage garden plant; cut flower or dried flower for the home or to make up flower bunches on a market stall. The seeds germinate best between 18 - 24°C; sow autumn to early winter in temperate areas; autumn in subtropical areas. It prefers a well-drained, neutral pH loamy soil in a sunny position. Days to bloom: 12 - 14 weeks.

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