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GH  |  SKU: GH0231

Timor Lettuce


Indian Lettuce is a close relative of lettuce but grows faster, taller and is hardier to hot temperatures and high humidity. It will grow across a wide climate range from cooler areas to the tropics. It is a fast-growing, upright leafy green that can grow as high as 2 m. It has a semi-perennial habit and can be cut back after flowering to re-shoot. It will grow in full sun, but plants grown in partial shade will produce larger, more tender leaves. Very young, tender leaves are eaten raw in salads, older leaves can be cooked like spinach. The leaves have a somewhat bitter flavour, closer to chicory than lettuce. It is also used in traditional medicine. It self-sows readily and care should be taken to avoid weediness. A useful plant for poultry forage systems. In temperate areas sow late spring; in subtropical and tropical areas sow all year. Seed germinate best between 20 - 26°C soil temperature. Seed takes 4 - 10 days to germinate.

Product: Timor Lettuce

Product type: SEED ()

Botanical name: Lactuca indica

Syn.: syn. Indian Lettuce

A close relative of lettuce but grows faster, taller and is hardier to hot temperatures and high humidity. It grows across a wide climate range from cooler areas to the tropics. It is a fast-growing, upright leafy green and can be cut back after flowering to re-shoot. Very young, tender leaves are eaten raw in salads, older leaves can be cooked like spinach. The leaves have a somewhat bitter flavour, closer to chicory than lettuce. It is also used in traditional medicine. A useful plant for poultry forage systems.

Plant type: Semi-perennial to 2 m high

Sow when: Germinate best at 20 - 26°C soil temp;

Temperate: Spring

Subtropical: Sow all year

Tropical: Sow all year

Germination: 4 - 10 days

Depth: 5 mm deep, requires light to germinate

Position: Full sun to partial shade but leaves will be less bitter from plants in the shade

Sow where: Direct into garden bed or seedling tray

Soil type: Fertile well-drained soil pH 6 - 7.5

Rows: 50 cm apart

Details: It self-sows readily and care should be taken to avoid weediness

Harvest: Pick young leaves

Suitable for hot and humid: Suitable for hot and humid growing conditions

seeds per packet

Lactuca indica

syn. Indian Lettuce

Semi-perennial to 2 m high


Timor Lettuce


Indian Lettuce is a close relative of lettuce but grows faster, taller and is hardier to hot temperatures and high humidity. It will grow across a wide climate range from cooler areas to the tropics. It is a fast-growing, upright leafy green that can grow as high as 2 m. It has a semi-perennial habit and can be cut back after flowering to re-shoot. It will grow in full sun, but plants grown in partial shade will produce larger, more tender leaves. Very young, tender leaves are eaten raw in salads, older leaves can be cooked like spinach. The leaves have a somewhat bitter flavour, closer to chicory than lettuce. It is also used in traditional medicine. It self-sows readily and care should be taken to avoid weediness. A useful plant for poultry forage systems. In temperate areas sow late spring; in subtropical and tropical areas sow all year. Seed germinate best between 20 - 26°C soil temperature. Seed takes 4 - 10 days to germinate.

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