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GH  |  SKU: GH0403

Vegetable Spaghetti


This is an easy to grow squash; the fruits range in colour from creamy white to pale yellow; 22 cm long and weigh approx. 1.8 kg. This squash stores well, for up to 3 months. The pasta-like flesh looks like the real thing and is great topped with pesto or pasta sauce. Days to harvest: 88 - 110 days. Please note: this is an open-pollinated seed of no specific cultivar and it is a very different colour to the bright yellow F1 hybrid available in supermarkets.

Product: Vegetable Spaghetti

Product type: SEED (15)

Botanical name: Cucurbita pepo

Syn.: Grow your own low carb pasta!

Vegetable Spaghetti squash are easy to grow; mature fruits are yellow; 22cm long and weigh approx. 1.8kg. Squash is steamed or baked whole then cut in half and the pasta-like flesh can be forked out. It looks like the real thing and is great topped with pesto or pasta sauce. It stores well for up to 4 months. Vines bear 4 or 5 squash.

Plant type: Warm season, annual 3m vine

Plant height: 35 – 50 cm

Sow when: Squash is frost tender; germinate best at 21 - 35°C; seed will rot in cold, wet soil; rodents and birds eat seed; protect with an upturned pot

Temperate: Spring to early summer

Subtropical: All year if frost-free; avoid sowing during periods of high humidity

Tropical: Grow during the dry season only

Germination: 7 - 10 days

Depth: 1.5 - 2 cm deep

Position: Full sun

Sow where: Direct into garden bed, keep soil moist

Soil type: Rich, high in nitrogen, well-drained soil, pH 6 - 7.5; add plenty of compost

Rows: Space 'hills' 1 m apart

Harvest: 88 - 110 days

Suitable for hot and humid: Suitable for hot and humid growing conditions

15 seeds per packet

Cucurbita pepo

Grow your own low carb pasta!

Warm season, annual 3m vine


Vegetable Spaghetti


This is an easy to grow squash; the fruits range in colour from creamy white to pale yellow; 22 cm long and weigh approx. 1.8 kg. This squash stores well, for up to 3 months. The pasta-like flesh looks like the real thing and is great topped with pesto or pasta sauce. Days to harvest: 88 - 110 days. Please note: this is an open-pollinated seed of no specific cultivar and it is a very different colour to the bright yellow F1 hybrid available in supermarkets.

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