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GH  |  SKU: GH0641

Winter Savory


Syn. Bean herb, Mountain savory; an easy-to-grow, low growing, perennial herb with small white flowers. It is very similar in appearance to thyme but with a spicier, peppery flavour. It is used to make vinegars, added to stuffings, potato salads, soups and stews. It makes an attractive edging plant and can be grown in rockeries. Container growing is preferred in areas with cold, wet winters or very humid areas. The flowers are attractive to bees and 'good bugs'.

Product: Winter Savory

Product type: SEED (250)

Botanical name: Satureja montana

Syn. Bean herb, Mountain savory; an easy-to-grow, low growing, perennial herb with small white flowers. It is very similar in appearance to thyme but with a spicier, peppery flavour. It is used to make vinegars, added to stuffings, potato salads, soups and stews. It makes an attractive edging plant and can be grown in rockeries. Container growing is preferred in areas with cold, wet winters or very humid areas. The flowers are attractive to bees and 'good bugs'.

Plant type: Perennial herb, semi-dormant in winter

Plant height: 15 - 30 cm; semi-upright growth habit

Sow when: Germinate best at 18 - 20°

Temperate: Spring after all danger of frost

Subtropical: Spring; autumn in frost-free areas only

Tropical: Unlikely to do well

Germination: Slow, erratic 10 - 14 days

Depth: 2 mm deep, cover with sieved fine sand

Position: Full sun

Sow where: Sow in seedling trays for later transplanting; use a well-drained mix

Soil type: Well-drained, sandy, pH 6 - 7

Details: Avoid over-watering; propagate by root division in spring and summer; cut the plants back after flowering

250 seeds per packet

Satureja montana

Perennial herb, semi-dormant in winter


Winter Savory


Syn. Bean herb, Mountain savory; an easy-to-grow, low growing, perennial herb with small white flowers. It is very similar in appearance to thyme but with a spicier, peppery flavour. It is used to make vinegars, added to stuffings, potato salads, soups and stews. It makes an attractive edging plant and can be grown in rockeries. Container growing is preferred in areas with cold, wet winters or very humid areas. The flowers are attractive to bees and 'good bugs'.

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