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GH  |  SKU: GH0415

Yarrow 'Colorado Mix'


This yarrow is very ornamental and grown for its flat-topped flower heads in shades of red, rust, beige, rose, yellow, apricot and white on 60 cm stems. The foliage is decorative and ferny. Use it for both fresh and dried cut flowers. When dried, the colour is retained. It is a low-maintenance plant that simply needs cutting back to the ground after flowering. It is a good perennial for planting in hot, dry and sunny positions. It likes a bit of room and is inclined to spread so site it carefully. It is an excellent plant for attracting bees and beneficial insects to your garden. Suitable for temperate and cooler subtropical areas.

Product: Yarrow 'Colorado Mix'

Product type: SEED (30)

Botanical name: Achillea millefolium

This yarrow is very ornamental and grown for its flat-topped flower heads in shades of red, rust, beige, rose, yellow, apricot and white on 60 cm stems. The foliage is decorative and ferny. Use it for both fresh and dried cut flowers. When dried, the colour is retained. It is a low-maintenance plant that simply needs cutting back to the ground after flowering. It is a good perennial for planting in hot, dry and sunny positions. It likes a bit of room and is inclined to spread so site it carefully. It is an excellent plant for attracting bees and beneficial insects to your garden.

Plant type: Herbaceous perennial to 60 cm tall

Sow when: Germinate best at 18 - 22°C

Temperate: Spring after all danger of frost

Subtropical: Spring or autumn

Tropical: Unlikely to do well

Germination: 10 - 14 days

Depth: Press seed into mix but do not cover as it needs light to germinate; keep moist

Position: Prefers full sun but will tolerate partial shade

Sow where: Sow into seedling trays

Soil type: Well-drained soil

Details: Divide every 3 - 4 years; cut plants back by half when flowers fade to stimulate repeat bloom

Flowering: 120 – 130 days

*Has edible flowers

*Good for bees

30 seeds per packet

Achillea millefolium

Herbaceous perennial to 60 cm tall


Yarrow 'Colorado Mix'


This yarrow is very ornamental and grown for its flat-topped flower heads in shades of red, rust, beige, rose, yellow, apricot and white on 60 cm stems. The foliage is decorative and ferny. Use it for both fresh and dried cut flowers. When dried, the colour is retained. It is a low-maintenance plant that simply needs cutting back to the ground after flowering. It is a good perennial for planting in hot, dry and sunny positions. It likes a bit of room and is inclined to spread so site it carefully. It is an excellent plant for attracting bees and beneficial insects to your garden. Suitable for temperate and cooler subtropical areas.

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