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GH  |  SKU: GH0441



Zaatar is a perennial herb, a relative of oregano, native to the Mediterranean. The attractive greyish-green leaves have a spicy smell and flavour, a combination of sweet marjoram, thyme and oregano. It can be used to flavour hummus, dips and soups. Harvest stems when they reach 6-10 cm long. The plants have a semi-upright habit to 40 cm high. It will grow well in a container. It prefers a well-drained, slightly alkaline soil in a sunny position and will tolerate poorer soils. Sow in spring.

Product: Zaatar

Product type: SEED (30)

Botanical name: Origanum syriacum

Syn.: Syn. Syrian oregano, za'atar, Biblical hyssop, wild marjoram

Zaatar is a perennial herb, a relative of oregano, native to the Mediterranean. The attractive greyish-green leaves have a spicy smell and flavour, a combination of sweet marjoram, thyme and oregano. It can be used to flavour hummus, dips and soups. It does well in a terracotta pot. Container growing is preferred in areas with cold, wet winters or humid, wet summers.

Plant type: Herbaceous perennial herb

Plant height: 40 cm; semi-upright growth habit

Sow when: Germinate best at 18 - 23°

Temperate: Spring after all danger of frost

Subtropical: Spring after all danger of frost

Tropical: Unlikely to do well

Germination: 8 - 14 days

Depth: 1 mm deep, need light to germinate

Position: Full sun

Sow where: It can be sown directly where it is to grow or planted into trays & later transplanted

Soil type: Well-drained, sandy, pH 6.5 - 7.5

Details: Avoid over-watering; plants can be divided in autumn

Harvest: Harvest stems after flowering starts, for best flavour

30 seeds per packet

Origanum syriacum

Syn. Syrian oregano, za'atar, Biblical hyssop, wild marjoram

Herbaceous perennial herb




Zaatar is a perennial herb, a relative of oregano, native to the Mediterranean. The attractive greyish-green leaves have a spicy smell and flavour, a combination of sweet marjoram, thyme and oregano. It can be used to flavour hummus, dips and soups. Harvest stems when they reach 6-10 cm long. The plants have a semi-upright habit to 40 cm high. It will grow well in a container. It prefers a well-drained, slightly alkaline soil in a sunny position and will tolerate poorer soils. Sow in spring.

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